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Drodzy wszyscy

W Smart Security Networks rozumiemy, jak ważna jest ochrona prywatności naszych użytkowników i traktujemy ją bardzo poważnie. Niniejsza Polityka prywatności określa informacje, które zbieramy, sposób ich wykorzystywania oraz środki, jakie podejmujemy w celu ich ochrony. Zachęcamy do uważnego przeczytania niniejszej Polityki prywatności, aby zrozumieć, w jaki sposób będą traktowane Twoje dane osobowe. Korzystając z naszych usług, wyrażasz zgodę na gromadzenie, wykorzystywanie i ujawnianie swoich danych osobowych zgodnie z opisem w niniejszej Polityce prywatności. Jeśli masz jakiekolwiek pytania lub wątpliwości, skontaktuj się z nami.

Polityka prywatności

This Privacy Policy sets out the rules for processing and protecting the customer's personal data.

If you have any questions about your personal data, please contact us at


Data protection inspector contact information:



  1. SSN - means SMART SECURE NETWORKS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY with its registered office at Fryderyka Szopena 51, 35-959 Rzeszów, entered into the National Court Register under the number KRS 0000819063, NIP: 6312689026, REGON: 385069513, email:, which provides services electronically.

  2. Services - means services provided by SSN electronically, including through the website

  3. Client - means any person for whom the Services may be provided.

  4. Operator - means an entrepreneur whose services the Client uses or intends to use, accessing the Operator's services using SSN's mobile systems or applications.

  5. GDPR - means REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).




  1. This privacy policy applies if you use SSN services, i.e. if you use SSN systems, register in systems or applications and use their functionality, contact us via e-mail, the contact form available on the SSN website or through social media or by telephone, or if you receive messages from us using electronic means of communication, including push notifications from the application in connection with the use of their functionality.

  2. Depending on the Services you use, SSN processes the following personal data:

    • during registration in SSN systems or applications: email address, first name and surname;

    • in the case of using the contact form on the website and electronic correspondence: first name, surname, company name, phone number, email address, content of correspondence, including content voluntarily added by the Client;

    • when participating in events, such as conferences, training sessions, etc. organized by SSN: email address, first name and surname, company.

  3. SSN uses personal data to provide SSN Services to Clients, manage an account in the system and use its functionality, handle complaints, for accounting and tax purposes, as well as to receive and send email messages and correspondence in connection with the performance of the contract or before its conclusion, and for marketing activities. The basis for processing data is the processing necessary to perform the contract or take actions at the request of the person whose data it concerns, before the conclusion of the contract (based on Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR), and in some cases, the legal basis may also be a special regulation that allows SSN to process data to fulfill a legal obligation, such as accounting and tax regulations (based on Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR).

  4. SSN uses personal data to contact Clients, for example via e-mail, and to respond to posts on social media directed to SSN, in order to better perform the Services, inform about changes, and provide explanations and information. The basis for processing data is SSN's legally justified interest (based on Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR).

  5. SSN sends marketing messages to the email address provided by the Customer only if the Customer has given their consent. The basis for processing the data is the consent of the Customer (based on Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR). The Customer can opt out of receiving correspondence at any time. Withdrawal of consent is possible, for example, by sending an email to the address: Withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of the processing of data that was carried out based on the consent before it was withdrawn. SSN may provide the data provided by the Customer to the specified SSN partner for marketing purposes of the partner, only in the case where the Customer has given their consent to transfer the data to the SSN partner for the specified purpose in the consent.

  6. If, as part of the services provided by the Operator, the Operator provides the possibility of registering or logging in to the Operator's services (e.g. to the website, registration form) through the SSN system, in the case of the Customer's consent to transfer the data to the Operator, SSN will transfer the Customer's personal data provided during registration in the system or application, i.e.: first name, last name, email address. The basis for SSN to provide the above-mentioned data of the Customer to the Operator is the Customer's consent.

  7. SSN requires the Customer to provide personal data that is necessary to perform the contract - to perform the Services. If these information are not provided by the Customer, SSN will not be able to provide the Services. If the law requires it, e.g. tax, SSN may also request the provision of other necessary data. Apart from the above cases, the provision of personal data by the Customer is voluntary.

  8. SSN entrusts personal data for processing to service providers who perform specific obligations and functions on behalf of SSN. SSN provides data to service providers: website support, IT services related to technical support of systems and applications, payment services related to orders for services, Microsoft Azure cloud processing service (Western Europe), accounting services for SSN. SSN entrusts the service providers mentioned above with only such data that is necessary for proper performance of services for or on behalf of SSN. In the case of data transmission, SSN ensures that the service provider processes the data in accordance with security requirements and does not use the data for purposes other than providing services to SSN.

  9. SSN does not transfer personal data to other entities other than the service providers described above, except in the case where it is necessary in connection with legal regulations or decisions of authorities, and also in the case of necessity to establish, perform or defend SSN's rights.

  10. SSN does not transfer personal data outside the European Union.

  11. 11. The Service Provider entrusts the processing of User's personal data or other data referred to in the Privacy Policy to entities providing hosting, administration, maintenance and management services for the Service, as well as services in the optimization of transmission and management of campaigns, on the basis of a written agreement. The data may also be entrusted to, among others, courier services, insurance companies, financial institutions. In addition, the entrusting of User's personal data may also take place to Trusted Partners, for the purposes specified in the Privacy Policy.

  12. SSN processes the Client's personal data only for the period necessary for the proper performance of contracts with clients, i.e. the provision of Services, as well as the handling of the complaint process, the enforcement of claims in connection with the performance of the contract, and for the period resulting from obligations imposed on SSN by law (e.g. tax and accounting obligations, in accordance with the relevant provisions for a period of 5 years), only to the extent necessary. For marketing purposes, data is stored for the duration of the agreement or until the Client objects to such processing.

  13. SSN ensures the use of appropriate technical and organizational measures for personal data in order to ensure an appropriate level of security of processed personal data.

  14. Clients have the right of access to their personal data, including the right to request information about their data or to receive a copy of such data processed by SSN.

  15. Clients have the right to rectify their personal data if the data is incomplete, outdated or incorrect.

  16. Clients have the right to object to the processing of their personal data by SSN. "Marketing" objection - the Client has the right to object to the processing of their data for direct marketing purposes. Objection due to a special situation - the Client also has the right to object to the processing of their data on the basis of a legally justified interest for purposes other than direct marketing, as well as when the processing is necessary for the performance of a task in the public interest. The specific situation that justifies SSN's cessation of consideration of the objection should then be indicated. SSN shall cease processing the Client's data for these purposes unless it demonstrates that the grounds for processing the data by SSN are superior to the Client's rights or that the data is necessary for SSN to establish, assert or defend claims.

  17. Clients have the right to request the restriction of processing of their personal data by SSN.

  18. Clients have the right to request the deletion of their personal data. website:,

  19. Clients have the right to request the transfer of their personal data to the Client or a specified third party.

  20. Clients have the right to file a complaint with the competent supervisory authority for personal data protection, in Poland: the Office for Personal Data Protection (UODO), ul. Stawki 2, 00-193 Warsaw, Poland, website:"

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